First, it's Sunday (not Friday). And, it's been about a year since my last post. I need to do this. I want to do this. This brought me joy, kept me vulnerable and made me feel brave all at the same time. Why do we struggle to do the things we know are good for us? Here we go. A fresh start. It's not even January 1st. Yay! Go, me....getting a 10 month jump start on a New Year's resolution!!
Friday 5 minute prompt: Visit
Have you had a visit with a friend you haven't seen in a long time? Like, a Loooonnng time? I did, several of them, last spring. Good friends. Such good friends. I hadn't seen them in probably 5 years. How the times flies. I couldn't believe it. We had such a delightful evening with good friends, great conversation and the evening went by way too quickly. But mixed in the space of happiness and laughter and catching up with the latest what-we-have-been-doing-the-past-five-years was a sadness. At least for me. A loss. A knowing. Of what can never really be again. You see, we moved away. We lived there once upon a time and we had a daily, weekly rhythm to our lives. And now we live nearly 500 miles away and we just aren't going to have the same kind of relationship we once did. A great comfort to me was the realization that all of these people were believers. When we left, one was not. We used to pray and pray and pray that he would believe. And, in the span of a few years ago, God moved and he did! The realization that no matter how many miles apart we live and no matter if we do not see each other but every five years or so makes no difference in the light of eternity. Because friends, true friends who are believers will visit again and again and again. Their relationship, at the heart of it, which is the very best part....will never end.
Stopping 1 minute over with a little editing on the side, because I just can't not! ;-) But, done!